Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Life Out of Balance - Is your Yoke a Burden?

How of ten in my life I have found myself so burdened by so much that I become motionless or walking in circles, thinking I am unable to carry on - to juggle the baskets and buckets of life without either falling/failing at my tasks or simply pouring them out to the ground and wanting to say.... "Forget it!" and sometimes do or "Dear Lord, I can carry no more.  I am unable.  Lord, please help me?"  And although I do believe and totally acknowledge My Lord and Savior, in my typical human status, I keep looking at either my mental or paper list of to do's and already predoom my day with a "NOT going to get it mind set which becomes a mental set" and the day begins to spiral downward as I rush to fail, fumble, be frustrated and worry.

When I first pray about the day or even just the next seconds,  I can then begin to experience incredible peace and suddenly my buckets and baskets balance and they no longer cripple me. My tightrope life has a balancing bar - it is a yoke.  Oh it is all still there to accomplish and a bit more, But I have a Workmate - a Helper .... I have an "imaginary yoke"...Yes you read it correctly.    That  wooden Yoke weighs a lot - it heavy but lightens the load - the piece of wood you see on the shoulders of the person in the etching, is placed on the shoulders before the farmers tasks and was once used by farmers world wide is a balance it doesn't make the job disappear but the degree of difficulty is lessened as the weight is shifted from arms to shoulders.  MY Yoke is not made by Man or Woman.  It will not rot or burn or get lost or stolen or any of those things. My Yoke is invisible and weighs nothing.  It does need repair or replacement.  It cannot be bought or sold.   It was already paid for and is freely given to all...

Long before I farmed, I have always loved the following and want to share it with you today 

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."  Matthew 11: 28-30

Love In The Lord Always,   LITLA,   Nancy Garry

A special note of gratitude to my friend Mrs. Gunter who responded to my request for a sketch of balancing figure and without knowing about this posting, knew exactly what was needed.  Thank you Lord for Godly friends.