Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feb. 23

What a fun packed day yesterday....Over 150 eggs were wrapped and left the Garry Farm for destinations all over the United States - no international shipping!   We shipped the following eggs:

Brown Chinese Geese
Lavendar Orpington
Buff Orpington
Blue/Black and Splash Orpington
Pekin Duck
White Leghorn
Blue/Black Splash Marans
Rhode Island Reds
Wheaten marans
and Speckled Sussex.

I still have more to ship today...Spring is approaching and these eggs must be incubated!!!!  It takes 1 and 1/2 hours to package a box...Very labor intensive but soo worth the time....   I'm getting 80 to 100% hatches reported from our shipped eggs and that's due to the work of Jacque in feeding and care and my wrapping....It takes about $3 to $4 of bubble wrap alone!!! See me about hatching eggs...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So the first day of the blog for The Garry Farm

I really know nothing about blogging and probably will make many errors and wonder what I have started here. Simply to say today is a beautiful day at the Garry Farm.   I look around the Living Room and see NO room....Over 8 boxes of hatching eggs ready to go and finally got that last payment so to the Post Office today. A bit drizzly outside but sunshine in my heart and we'll just have a great day with that.   Have a wonderful day.  Until later.  Much love, prayers and smiles to all.  Farmer Nancy