Friday, January 16, 2015

The farmer who gave His All for His farm!

Today, in 2015, it is time for a little education but also some levity and so we begin.....We are a thrifty farm and my husband lets me cut his hair and sometimes do a beard trim too!  For the price of an occasional new hair trimmer, about once every other year,  $17 to $20 on sale it is a savings of a lot of money and we can work in appointments really easily.  So I'm guessing yesterday saved about $26 plus gasoline and time.  Sometimes the hair salon doesn't want us to walk in as our shoes track soo much dirt! But more importantly I got to be creative and and I got the "locks" for an important project!!!
Now this was the top part of the hair that needed cutting....from the last real hair cut I did. I fell behind my hair cutting and he had to go to a pro shop.  So this time it was not quite as long or curly!  Here is a before shot on yesterday's cutting Chez Nancy Hair Salon

I like those curly but Hubby likes a #2 hair cut and that's short short short.  And he doesn't like moustaches to "sieve" the soup... So it was a hair cut and beard trim!  And because we were not trimming outside due to rain, I got HIS Hair for the compost pile!!!!   It will become dirt in probably a matter of weeks!!!! How cool is that!

This is his hair ready to go to compost......
So I guess you could say that our farm recycles and composts almost everything we can think of!!!!!  And here's a happy farmer with his New "do" and beard trim.....What an appreciative guy! So blessed....   All's well that ends well....  And don't forget to tend your compost pile.   You are making earth..... So much fun on the farm or even under your sink, just don't forget you have it there!!!!