Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March has begun....

What's the expression --- in like a lion and out like a lamb....Yesterday we had high winds but no damage for which I was very very grateful...

So much is going on....About to set 3 dozen duck eggs for an Easter time hatch....  I'll probably set some now and then another bunch later.....I do  love our pekin ducks....So cute and active! Here are some duck photos!

Been another superbusy few days of sending eggs out in boxes to hatch all around the country!!!  It takes a really long time to wrap but it's all good...

Garden being tilled/weeded/Jacque is the main one, as a migraine has me hiding in the darkest part of the house...  I figure that I get migraines now because my brain waves are trying to find other unoccupied brain waves...

OOOOOhhhh...Big news 2 laying pumpkin hulsey hens have now joined the fun....Thank you Jonathan!  They are so happy that they laid an egg en route!!!!   Yes, I'm grabbing it for the incubator...For a small bird, it's a large egg!  The boys are soo pretty - very bright orange....but not all boys are that color!    They are from famous greenfire fams in Fla!  via JB in NC!